The Cambria Feeling

About the Cambria Feeling: For each of our sites, we are going to have a section that describes the “feeling” of the area. I added this because as somebody who is fortunate enough to spend extended amounts of time in these areas, there are some things about each area that are very unique and few are fortunate enough to experience them. Sometimes it requires you to go during a particular season, during a certain month and yes, even a particular day. So this is a list of things that I have experienced in the area and I truly hope, that you will be able to experience them as well.

While most travelers come to Cambria in the Spring and Summer, locals know that the best time to come to Cambria is in the winter particularly between February and May. This is the season where the hills come alive and sing with vibrant color.

While most focus their vacationing efforts on warm and clear sunny days, they miss some of the neatest aspects of living in Cambria that local residents adore. One thing that is my personal favorite is the coastal fog rolling in. It is amazing to see that wall of fog heading in from the water, hitting the hills and spiraling around as the wind blows. It isn’t something that happens frequently but it happens mostly in the beginning of spring and at the beginning of autumn when the town is receives the least amount of tourism. So, if you happen to be in Cambria and catch this amazing serene occurrence, consider yourself lucky.

Cambria sunsets are wonderful pretty much year around. Depending on what season you come, will depend on the colors you see but all in all, it is always beautiful.